Thursday, November 17, 2011


And, finally, after scouring everything deviantART has to offer by way of the search "TG Caption", I found these two:

by Nice-ass91


by hirador412

TG Mixdown

Another Blogspot, TG Mixdown, has a bunch of TG captions. Sadly, I'm not interested in most of them. Here's what I consider the 'cream of the crop' from there:

Yahoo Groups

This one was in a Yahoo Groups site PG Rated TG captions. Seems to be the only one of it's kind, which is a nice recap of my hunting dilemma.


Emily's TG Captions

These were on Emily's TG Captions

There's also some good written stories and multi-caption stories on that site. Best caption site I've found so far.

Sorry for the size. For some reason I'm having trouble re-posting at a decent size.


These are from lexitg's Youtube video: tg caption #1

@ 0:46

@ 0:56

@ 1:48

@ 4:56